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Deterrence, protection, and preparation : the new by National Research Council

By National Research Council

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Following the September 11 attacks, data gathered from the air traffic control system were used to reconstruct the timing and pattern of the four airline hijackings. Much as cockpit voice recorders and flight data boxes are critical for reconstructing airline crashes, such analyses could prove helpful in designing better means of monitoring traffic and recognizing the early signs of an attack. How best to develop such investigative capabilities is a potentially important avenue of inquiry. 90150mvp(pg13_96) 8/28/02 9:13 AM Page 39 EXAMPLES OF KEY RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY NEEDS REFERENCES ABBREVIATIONS CSTB NRC Computer Science and Telecommunication Board National Research Council Badolato, E.

Sound systems-level research and analyses—addressing operational, institutional, and societal dimensions—can bring these issues to light. To be sure, the restructuring of transportation security technologies, techniques, and procedures to form coherent systems will not be easy. It will require an ability and willingness to step back and define security goals and performance expectations; to identify the layered systems best suited to meeting those goals and expectations; and to work with many public, private, and foreign entities to implement those systems.

This system would also allow enforcement authorities having intelligence about a threat to take quicker and more effective action to identify suspect containers. Such a systematic and credible security system, which could be improved continually through the adoption of new technologies and techniques, would help reassure the public in the event of an incident, as well as aid in containing disruptions in the critical logistics system by precluding the need for a complete shutdown. ) 21 90150mvp(pg13_96) 8/28/02 9:13 AM Page 22 22 DETERRENCE, PROTECTION, AND PREPARATION: THE NEW TRANSPORTATION SECURITY IMPERATIVE destination ports and other border crossings.

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