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Cyber Situational Awareness: Issues and Research by Paul Barford, Marc Dacier, Thomas G. Dietterich, Matt

By Paul Barford, Marc Dacier, Thomas G. Dietterich, Matt Fredrikson, Jon Giffin (auth.), Sushil Jajodia, Peng Liu, Vipin Swarup, Cliff Wang (eds.)

Today, while a safety twist of fate happens, the pinnacle 3 questions safety directors could ask are in essence: What has occurred? Why did it ensue? What may still I do? solutions to the 1st questions shape the "core" of Cyber Situational understanding. furthermore, no matter if the final query might be good responded, is drastically established upon the cyber situational understanding power of corporations.

Cyber Situational wisdom: matters and study is an edited quantity contributed by way of world wide cyber safeguard specialists. This ebook seeks to set up state-of-the-art in cyber situational wisdom sector to set path for destiny study. A multidisciplinary staff of best researchers from cyber defense, cognitive process, and choice technology components will difficult at the primary demanding situations dealing with the study neighborhood and determine promising strategies paths. Case experiences in keeping with genuine global examples are supplied all through this book.

Cyber Situational knowledge: matters and learn is designed for a certified viewers composed of presidency employees and practitioners operating within the box of cyber safeguard. Advanced-level scholars and researchers learning machine technological know-how also will locate this publication valuable, as secondary textual content or a reference book.

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Cyber Situational Awareness: Issues and Research

This present day, whilst a safety coincidence happens, the head 3 questions safeguard directors may ask are in essence: What has occurred? Why did it ensue? What should still I do? solutions to the 1st questions shape the "core" of Cyber Situational knowledge. additionally, even if the final query will be good spoke back, is tremendously based upon the cyber situational knowledge potential of agencies.

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3 Visualization Visualization is a component across all aspects of both models. Almost any part of the process is open to visualization but comes with its own set of challenges. Depending on what aids the decision maker and in what context they need awareness, activities of interest can be visualized, as well as results of various assessments to include current and future impacts. However, quickly and completely conveying the situation (set of AOIs) to a decision maker, especially in light of large amounts of information, is a very challenging issue.

Due to the dynamic and uncertain nature of the environment, it is important to monitor the status of expectancies because a decision maker may have misinterpreted the current situation but he/she cannot recognize it until some expectancy is invalidated as the situation further evolves. , to gather more information). The RPD model provides a holistic framework (including perception, comprehension, projection, as conform to Endsley’s Situation Awareness model ( [4])) for hypothesis generation and reasoning in cyber situation awareness.

This almost indicates that there are only a few truly relevant network events that indicate attacks. An open area of research or question is whether there’s a minimally complete set of data or events that could indicate the presence of an attack. 3 Cost Utility Cost utility is defined as the ability of a system to identify the “important or key” attack tracks with respect to the concept of cost. In [15], two cost utility metrics were described. Since that paper was written, the weighted cost metric as applied to the cyber domain is no longer in use.

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