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Taiwan by train by Tourism Bureau R.O.C.(Taiwan)

By Tourism Bureau R.O.C.(Taiwan)

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Here is my picture about what I remember most about the hurricane: 41 In the first minutes after the hurricane started, here’s what I was thinking: _____________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ In the first minutes after the hurricane started I felt: (Circle all the words that describe how you felt) like crying worried angry scared afraid relieved excited nothing wild confused my heart beat hard upset sad happy curious confused numb like I wasn’t there The worst feeling I had was: ____________________________________________________ When the hurricane first started, what I was most worried about was: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ During those first few minutes of the hurricane, I saw_______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 42 and I thought about___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Later I saw __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Then I thought about _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ HERE IS A DRAWING OF WHAT I WAS REALLY MOST WORRIED ABOUT: Some upsetting things that happened to other children besides me or the grown-ups in my family were: ______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 43 ____________________________________________________________________________ How I know about these things is: _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Knowing these stories about bad things that happened to others made me feel: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________.

_________________________________ Put a check mark in the box by what is true: I still have all the things on my list. Some of my things got lost or destroyed because of the hurricane. Before a hurricane, many thousands of people have to leave their home to go to a safer place. The next few questions will help you to write more about where you stayed during the hurricane and how you felt about it. FILL IN THE PARTS THAT ARE TRUE. CROSS OUT PARTS THAT ARE NOT TRUE. Who was with me there during the hurricane: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Waiting for the hurricane was hard because: ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ During the hurricane, I was able to stay in my home.

What I am usually doing at that time is: __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ . Things that make me think about this are: ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ This is what I have actually done to help myself stop remembering these bad things: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ The time of day when bad memories usually do not bother me is: ___________________.

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