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Nonfiction Comprehension Test Practice Gr. 5 W Answer Key by Dr. Fry

By Dr. Fry

In keeping with articles from TIME for children journal, actions supply interpreting comprehension perform in standardized try out layout.

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Extra info for Nonfiction Comprehension Test Practice Gr. 5 W Answer Key

Sample text

Milo Mottola, who used to design museum exhibits, was picked in 1993 to plan a carousel for Riverbank State Park, in New York City. 1. Milo Mottola designed a museum exhibit for Riverbank State Park. ______________ 2. Milo Mottola built a carousel in 1993 for a state park. ______________ 3. Riverbank State Park is in New York City. ______________ 4. In order to design a carousel, one should first design museum exhibits. ______________ 5. Milo Mottola charged half a million dollars to design the carousel.

Teaching is one of the most important jobs in the country. ______________ 5. Parents can also be considered teachers. ______________ Word Study Directions: Study the following words and their parts of speech. Then, fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the correct words. Educate The word educate means to learn or study something. Various forms of the word enable the word educate to become not only a verb, but also a noun, adjective, and adverb. educate (verb) educator (noun) educable (adjective) education (noun) educational (adjective) educationally (adverb) 1.

D. large. 8. A concern for the future of education is that a. individuals can not afford to be teachers. b. many teachers are at the retirement age. c. salaries are actually decreasing. d. all of the above ©Shell Educational Publishing Level 5 Lesson 6 Name______________________________________________ Date____________________ Enrichment Directions: Write one complete paragraph about one opinion you may have about teachers. State your opinion clearly in the topic sentence. Support, prove, and defend your opinion in three to five supporting sentences and summarize your view in the concluding sentence.

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