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Intermediate Spanish For Dummies by Gail Stein

By Gail Stein

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Sample text

Es _________________. You are very kind. Ud. es muy _________________. 17. Our plane is going to land. Nuestro avión va a _________________. They live off the land. Viven de la _________________. 18. At what time are you going to leave the house? ¿A qué hora va a _________________ de casa? You must leave the keys in the office. Ud. tiene que _________________ las llaves en la oficina. 19. What is your net profit? ¿Qué es su beneficio _________________? The fish is in the net. El pez está en _________________.

In these instances, Spanish demonstrative pronouns (which replace the demonstrative adjectives and their nouns) come in very handy. Dealing with demonstrative adjectives Demonstrative adjectives indicate or point out the person, place, or thing to which a speaker is referring. ” Demonstrative adjectives precede and agree in number and gender with the nouns they modify. In Spanish, you select the demonstrative adjective according to the distance of the noun from the speaker. Table 3-1 presents demonstrative adjectives and addresses this distance issue.

Fill in the dates of their births and deaths in Spanish: 19 20 Part I: Reviewing the Basics 16. (August 20, 1778–October 24, 1842) Bernardo O’Higgins, hombre que luchó por la independencia de Chile, nació __________________________________ y murió __________________________________. 17. (May 8, 1753–July 30, 1811) Miguel Hidalgo, iniciador de la revolucion mexicana, nació __________________________________ y murió __________________________________. 18. (July 24, 1783–December 17, 1830) Simón Bolívar, libertador y hombre dominante de la independencia de Suramérica nació __________________________________ y murió __________________________________.

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