By Yazīd Ṣāyigh, Institute for Palestine Studies (Washington, D.C.)
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This came against the backdrop of the Arab revolt against Ottoman rule and the first stirrings of modem Arab nationalism. Instead of supporting Arab independence or federa tion at the end of the war, however, France and Britain won formal endorse ment from the Allied powers conference at San Remo in April 1 920 to establish their mandate over the Levant, and obtained ratification from the League of Nations in July 1 922. The Palestinian Arabs were now governed by Britain and confronted with a Jewish state-in-the-making-the yishuv-and steadily intensi fied their resistance to both.
Small numbers ofJews had already emigrated to Palestine from Russia and Yemen in previous decades for religious reasons, but the start of a second, politically motivated wave of immigration from Eastern Europe in 1 903 aroused rumblings of dis content and resistance by Palestinian Arab peasants opposed to the loss of land ' and jobs to the Jewish settlers. The Young Turks revolt of 1 908 also ushered in a more prominent role for educated, urban-based Arabs, whose opposition to Zionism and to land sales to Jewish settlers was now expressed with increasing frequency and vigour in the local press, through new political associations, and 2 at the Ottoman parliament in Istanbul.
Israeli Invasion of Lebanon, 1982. N - PLO opposition -- Frontline 2 Nov ········· Frontline - - Frontline 6 advances 3-4 Nov Nov 9-1 7 Nov • Qiay'llt Mediterra n e a n Sea LEBANON MAP 7. , (PLO) ..... IO"P'(dilution of llow, pws date otmain conmbct iOJl l ---+ Fonnal JT>etgO< " Member of PLO i-----� �li:rcnce to group dealled el:icwhcre '-NDI;�;;,, faction• JOiningorINVing rmin group oat