By Harold H Trimm
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Weber, “Amantadine susceptibility in influenza A virus isolates: determination methods and lack of resistance in a Canadian sample, 1991–94,” Clinical and Diagnostic Virology, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 41–51, 1997. 60 Analytical Chemistry: Methods and Applications 2. Martindale, The Complete Drug Reference, Pharmaceutical Press, London, UK, 33rd edition, 2002. 3. I. A. Darwish, I. H. Refaat, H. F. Askal, and M. A. Marzouq, “Generic nonextractive spectrophotometric method for determination of 4-quinolone antibiotics by formation of ion-pair complexes with β-naphthol,” Journal of AOAC International, vol.
Preliminary low-resolution LC-MS analysis on the drug substance provided molecular mass and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragment ion information for these two impurities (data not shown). The observed mass for the protonated Unknown 1 and Unknown 2 was 859 Da and 891 Da, respectively. 0711 Da, an observed mass of 859 Da for Unknown 1 suggested that it could be some sort of dimeric structure related to AMG 517. MS/MS data also suggested dimeric structures for both impurities. Fragment ions that corresponded to the neutral loss of multiple acetyl and hydrofluoric functional groups were observed in MS/MS experiments performed on the protonated ions of both Unknown 1 and Unknown 2.
9. Ch. Bharathi, Ch. S. Prasad, D. V. , “Structural identification and characterization of impurities in ceftizoxime sodium,” Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 733–740, 2007. 10. B. C. M. Potts, K. F. Albizati, M. O’Neil Johnson, and J. P. James, “Application of LC-NMR to the identification of bulk drug impurities in GART inhibitor AG2034,” Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 393–400, 1999. A Multidisciplinary Investigation to Determine 45 11.