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Sticky Church by Larry Osborne

By Larry Osborne

The best problem dealing with so much church buildings this day is not getting humans during the entrance door---it's holding them from leaving during the again door. In his new ebook, Larry Osborne finds what it takes to domesticate a 'sticky' church and divulges the method of sermon-based small teams to hold contributors whereas prime your church into even deeper degrees of discipleship.

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As long as the front door is bigger than the back door - a church will think it is growing. This seems to happen at fairly predictable sizes, the difference owing mostly to the gifting and budget of a particular church. Some strong front-door churches get off to an impressive start before stalling out at around four hundred people. Others bounce between eight hundred and twelve hundred, with periodic growth spurts inevitably followed by a slow decline. indd 36 7/15/08 1:26:57 PM Why Stickier Churches Are Healthier Churches + + + + - - When the front door and the back door can’t be opened any wider - a church stops growing.

Some love the intimacy of a small church. Many find the in-between size of a midsized church (big enough for critical mass, small enough to need everyone) to be just right. What matters is not the size of the church or the slickness of the programming. What matters is that those who come find a ministry and relationships worthy of spontaneous word-of-mouth recommendations. When that happens, a church is primed to hold on to the people it already has and the people they bring with them. Three Big Changes When I started focusing on closing the back door instead of widening the front door, it led to three major changes.

But in the end they fly in the face of one of the most basic laws of retention: Whatever you do to reach people you have to continue to do to keep them. Let’s think through the experience of an unchurched neighbor who decides to come to a special outreach event. Suppose he likes it well enough to come back the next week. When he does, the exceptional music, the props, the great speaker, or whatever else it was that duly impressed him will almost surely be gone. If it’s the weekend after Christmas or Easter, it’s likely that the senior pastor and all the folks who put it together will be gone also.

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