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New Testament by Gerd Theissen

By Gerd Theissen

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So it is no coincidence that shortly after the Apostolic Council the Christian faith provoked unrest in Rome. e. Claudius) expelled from Rome' (Suetonius, Claudius 25, 4 ) . Probably the ringleaders in these disturbances were expelled. The fugitives rapidly spread news of the unrest among the Jewish communities. Suddenly the Christians were everywhere, troublemakers who opposed Claudius's religious policy (cf. 7), especially by taking the line of radical openness to the Gentiles advocated by Paul.

Here, too, agreements and deviations in order and wording can best be explained by the assumption of a common source (= Q ) . As most of this material which has been handed down twice consists of sayings (or iogia') of Jesus, this source is called the 'logia source'. e. as one evangelist reproducing the same tradition twice, once according to Mark and once according to Q. 1-12). 5-36). Finally, there is an impressive statistical argument for the existence of the logia source: where Matthew and Luke reproduce Mark, their common source, which we can check, the verbal agreement between them is 56%.

The more the primitive Christian itinerant charismatics came up against repudiation in the 'normal local communities', the more they became open to radical notions which presupposed a dualism between the world and God. They found themselves isolated, and understood themselves as the 'solitary' in this world: 'Jesus said: Blessed are the solitary and the elect, for you will find the kingdom. For you are from it, and to it you will return' (ThomEv. 49). However, the tendency towards gnosis which is becoming visible here is not fully established in the Gospel of Thomas.

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