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Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith by Linda King Newell

By Linda King Newell

Emma Smith didn't record her lifestyles in a diary or magazine. This ebook is a biographical reconstruction of Emma Smith's lifestyles from files and proof except the few letters and one web page of advantages she left at the back of.

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I am the wealthiest woman that sits at this table,” she said. ” She went on: “W e owe no man; we never distressed any man which circumstance almost invariably attends the Mercantile life so I have no reason to envy those who are engaged. ” But unfortunately she spoke personally. “Now as for Mrs. ” 19 Lucy’s report of the incident indicates that she did not intend her remarks to be unkind— only pointed— but they undoubtedly ruffled the feathers of the minister’s wife. W hatever the initial cause, controversy developed around the Smith fam­ ily.

Th e saddened parents named him Alvin, after Joseph's deceased brother,12 and buried him east of the house. Th e midwife who attended Emma, her sister-in-law Rhoda Skinner, indicated that this first child had birth defects. ” 13 For over two weeks Emma hovered near death while Joseph kept vigil at her bedside. As Emma gained strength Joseph became anxious about the manuscript. He did not mention his concern to Emma “for fear of agitating her mind too 28 MORMON ENIGMA: EMMA HALE SMITH much for the health of her body/’ but his despondency worried her.

To Joseph’s astonishment, the minister reacted with shock and contempt. William Smith indicated that they had not been aware of animosity from the townspeople until after Joseph let it be known that he had seen a vision. W hether that incident was actually the catalyst or whether Lucy had unknowingly caused the bitter feelings herself is open to speculation. A sociable person, raised in a family with comfortable means, Lucy did without finery in her marriage, although she seldom com­ plained. W hen the ladies in the community invited her to their tea circles, she was obviously pleased.

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