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Coaxial Electrical Circuits for Interference-Free by Shakil Awan

By Shakil Awan

-From authors with a mixed 60+ years of expertise in electric measurements conducted in nationwide dimension Laboratories-Offers tips and most sensible perform in electric measurements acceptable to any required accuracy point Contents: the concept that

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For example, consider each singlefrequency component of mains and mains-borne interference entering circuitry by the routes identified earlier in this section. 17. S is observed between two points of the circuit by some test instrument such as an oscilloscope or voltmeter, and as a further complication, some additional voltage components may arise from the loops added to the network by the very act of connecting the test instrument. Suppose that one suspected cause of entry of interference is identified and removed so that one of the contributing voltage vectors, say C, is eliminated.

In particular, the connection of everything in sight to ‘earth’ is a council of despair. Instead, draw a complete circuit diagram, remembering that the circuit that exists in reality may not correspond with the working circuit diagram in small, but vital, details. For example, there may be conducting or capacitive routes for currents through ostensibly non-electrical apparatus such as optical tables and pressure sensors. Routes of this kind should be drawn explicitly on the circuit diagram, and their effects considered.

2. 3. power supplies, signal sources (which can be regarded as AC power supplies) and low-level measuring instruments such as sensitive digital voltmeters, phasesensitive detectors and preamplifiers. 28. The ‘Hi’ and ‘Lo’ terminals may very well be the inner and outer connections made by a coaxial socket. Some guidelines for obtaining optimum noise rejection are as follows: 1. 2. 3. Eliminate common-conductor couplings in the external wiring. Remember that data highway cables plugged in later might violate a carefully thought-out circuit.

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