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Midsummer: Magical Celebrations of the Summer Solstice by Anna Franklin

By Anna Franklin

This e-book might help you discover Midsummer customs and witness their energy at the present time. research the traditional equipment of divination; attempt conventional recipes for nutrition, mead, and wine; and empower your magical instruments with the power of the solstice solar. jam-packed with functional principles on how one can rejoice Midsummer, this advisor additionally compares comparable gala's world wide, together with Celtic, Norse, Saxon, Egyptian, Russian, and local American.

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Boniface felled an oak in which he was believed to reside during the con­ version of the Germans. Oaks figured in many representations of Taranis, the British thunder god. The Finnish god of thunder was Ukko ("Oak"), and Rauni ("Rowan") was his wife. " The Canaanite storm god Baal was depicted with an ax and pointed cap. The Lithuanian god of the oak was Perkaunas, or Perunu ("Thunder"), Lord of the Universe, the supreme god or creator god, depicted with a hammer or ax. If lightning struck a tree, rock, or person, they were believed to hold some of his sacred fire.

At midnight on St. lohn's Eve, walk seven times sunwise around a church scattering hempseed and say, "Hempseed I sow. Hempseed I sow. " When you've completed the circuits, look over your left shoulder to see your true love coming after you ... with a scythe! • On Midsummer Eve take off your shift and wash it, turn it inside out, and hang it over the back of a chair in silence, near the fire. You will see your future husband, who will arrive to turn the shift at midnight. ,. 5: :::-. :. -:: ;)1 -'-:' 3.

5 Latterly, these have been divided into three sets, or aettir, and assigned a god and goddess. 2~::'e_ "'i1i'e rT \\:':. :x... ~:-~~ Kcft _:-:::-. kli It\. ,... :p ~ =----:. , -;, :;:--.... ------­ TIIinI_-\ro . . ~ I:"\TaM. ::-:-c_ c .!. ca -,;--~ Runes are readily available from occult stores and book shops, or you could make your own set from pebbles or glass beads painted with the runic symbols. My interpretation of the Elder Futhark is shown in figure 3. :. iIII! '1d goddess.

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