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Dialogues In Limbo by George Santayana

By George Santayana

Атеист и скептик, американский философ Джордж Сантаяна (1863 – 1952) в этой книге с присущей ему язвительностью развенчивает догматы христианства, показывая, что все религии суть лишь воплощения естественной потребности человека поэтизировать реальность. Философия, по его мнению, тоже сродни и религии, и искусству – она не решает никаких проблем и не делает никаких открытий и является лишь самовыражением того, кто ею занимается.
Для философов, историков философии, религиоведов.

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If their boasts lies, as is probable, they are all the more elated. These fools might almost have perceived their own idiocy, if they had merely described their true are " actions, saying, am hurling flat I am standing on two legs I am running away, I am lying ; a spear, I and dead on the ground. The truth, my not eloquent, except unspoken its vast shadow lends eloquence to our sparks of thought as they die into it. After all there was is friends, ; some sense in that nonsense of Socrates about the sun and moon being governed by reason, for they go their rounds soberly, without talking or thinking.

Therefore, without scientific error, praise madness or deride Your own disposition and habit will dictate it. weak and delicate animal these judgements. like man could have arisen only in an equable A which at all seasons he might hunt and run naked or gaily clad according climate, in and play, to his pleasure : he therefore at first regards the Hyperborean regions, where summer and winter are sharply contrasted, as cruel and uninhabitable yet if by accident or necessity he becomes hardened ; he begins to think his native and fit only for snakes and is also with the climates of the to those changes, forests pestiferous monkeys.

Them ; subsist anywhere in nature, whence be reborn. Meantime the proper they might fruits and seeds of your species are lost or stunted, and it is doubtful whether mankind, smothered under its inventions and tools, will not dry up at the root and perish with them, The Stranger. I do not think so. The tools love of VIVISECTION OF A 25 and those pale men and nations that are the slaves of such arts tools will no doubt disappear in time have probably been invented and lost many times But there is a lusty core in the human before.

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