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Adorno: A Biography by Stefan Müller-Doohm

By Stefan Müller-Doohm

'Even the biographical person is a social category', wrote Adorno. 'It can purely be outlined in a dwelling context including others.' during this significant new biography, Stefan Muller-Doohm turns this maxim again on Adorno himself and offers a wealthy and accomplished account of the existence and paintings of 1 of the main incredible minds of the 20th century.

This authoritative biography levels around the complete of Adorno's existence and occupation, from his early life and scholar years to his years in emigration within the usa and his go back to postwar Germany. while, Muller-Doohm examines the whole diversity of Adorno's writings on philosophy, sociology, literary thought, song idea and cultural feedback. Drawing on an array of resources from Adorno's own correspondence with Horkheimer, Benjamin, Berg, Marcuse, Kracauer and Mann to interviews, notes and either released and unpublished writings, Muller-Doohm situates Adorno's contributions within the context of his instances and gives a wealthy and balanced appraisal of his value within the twentieth Century as a complete.

Muller-Doohm's transparent prose succeeds in making available the most complicated parts of Adorno's inspiration. This remarkable biography often is the typical paintings on Adorno for future years.

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Extra info for Adorno: A Biography

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What must the reaction of the family have been when Oscar’s marriage to the already somewhat mature singer was announced? After all, such a union fell well outside the expectations of the affluent Jewish commercial middle class. The business orientation of such families suggests that there may well have been objections and reservations. However, Oscar was man enough to get his own way, and in all probability his sisters would have given him moral support. It was surely necessary for him to assert himself, since his new family was intended to include not just his fiancée, Maria, but also her younger sister Agathe, who became a member of the new Wiesengrund household from the outset.

During break the older boys would wander round slowly in a circle, while we, the younger ones, played our boisterous games. Teddy had a few close friends who, like him, failed to notice that some enemy or other had stuck a piece of paper on his back with the word ‘Teddy’ in large letters. In a trice there was a howling mob after him shouting ‘Teddy’ at their unsuspecting victim. At the time, Teddy was a slightly built, shy boy who simply did not realize what was going on. We all knew that he was Jewish.

No doubt, the adventurous life of the father of these ‘two mothers’ would have had its place in the imaginative world of the child. His legendary maternal grandfather, the officer in the French army from the country of Colomba, whom the Arabs had left unscathed during his military service in Algeria, who had wandered through the lands of Southern Europe and who bore such a magic-sounding Italian name, must surely have haunted the childhood dreams of the imaginative child like the hero of a fairy-tale.

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